i'm still waiting to hear from the temp agency regarding a contract or three. pressure is getting tight these days, and i know i should be more freaked out than i am but for some reason i simply can't muster the energy for anxiety. off-the-wall as it might seem, i have a sense of calm that is hard to shake right now. irrational, but true.
i feel pretty confident there will be
some sort of secretarial position in the coming week or so that i can take on while i pursue other, more meaningful paths. building a home ranks top of the list. because, as i was reminded yesterday, it's all about
david and i drove down the mountain this morning talking, really communicating. the drive from New Castle town to Salem has become special to us both, and i'm hoping that any job i get will coincide in such a way that we can continue carpooling.
this morning i'm in the library once again, with
an interesting book, a cup of coffee and a half bag of snacks. while it might look to the world that i'm just passing time, i'm doing some serious thinking, here.
i like it.
also, while i was doing some account maintenance, i came across today's horoscope. it bears repeating, no matter what your sign:
You might have the chance to connect with long-lost friends, which could make you feel a greater kinship with others today. Just being able to see people who have been in your life for such a long amount of time might give you a sense of belonging. You realize that there are people who accept and care for you no matter how far away they may be. Perhaps by telling your loved ones today how much they mean to you, you can increase this feeling of connectedness. You might call, email, or visit someone today that you have been thinking about but haven't had the chance to connect with, letting your friend know about the role they have had in your life and what they have brought to it. Bringing old friends into your life in this way collapses the time you have been apart and strengthens the bonds that exist between you.
Keeping up with our old friends cultivates our feeling of belonging in the world, for the people who have known us for a long time often accept and love us for who we are. When we know that there are people who don't expect anything from us, it reminds us that we live in a community of people bound together by love and experience. Letting our loved ones know how much we value this connection allows us to reinforce this sense of unity and togetherness. By connecting with friends today you will nourish your relationships and feel closer to others.