Monday, October 02, 2006


Paintball this weekend was a brilliantly good time. David and I picked up Morris and Michael on the way out of town and met up with Jeff, Curtis, Mike and Allen at the site. My favorite game was the one with the fort with the maze, and Jeff and I defended quite a bit form behind the tires the second time we played. It was way more fun than I imagined, and the problem-solving elements of the whole thing were a blast. Next time we are getting enough people to go that we can have our own teams. Jules, this means you.

Then last night I watched the first few episodes in the second half of Battlestar Glactica season two. I am so hooked. Spending a relaxing Sunday in front of some basic tv. after journaling is quite satisfying. This morning’s October weather came in clear and calm, bringing with it possibly the best morning ever.

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